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Welcome to the Nordic Equine Veterinary Congress 2025 in beautiful Iceland!

The Nordic Equine Veterinary Congress is a joint venture of the veterinary associations of the Nordic Countries first held in Copenhagen in 2011. This first congress aimed at equine practitioners in the Nordic countries was a great success, and the subsequent congresses in Stockholm, Bergen and even the virtual one during Covid in Finland, have proved just as popular. Now NEVC will be held for the fifth time on March 13th to 15th 2025 in Selfoss in Iceland.

The congress boasts of a list of world-renowned speakers on subjects that are especially picked to be relevant to equine vets who practice in the Nordic countries. We expect around 150 to 200 vets from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and beyond. As well as providing high end scientific content, NEVC is also very much a social event and ample time will be available for mingling and networking and establishing personal contacts with the participants.

The venue is Hotel Selfoss, located half an hour ‘s drive from the capital Reykjavík in the fast-growing town of Selfoss which is surrounded by Iceland ‘s most important farming and horse breeding country. The participants will occupy the entire hotel and the expo area will be directly in connection with the two lecture halls. Coffee breaks and Happy Hours will all be in the expo area itself. There will be two and a half days of lectures but on the Thursday and Friday we will try something new and exciting. Part of the programme will comprise of excursions with a packed lunch. These excursions to the Secret Lagoon and to the Sumarliðabær horse breeding farm will provide quite unique opportunities for sponsors to make their mark, so pick your spot and make something special out of it!

NEVC preliminary programme

Thursday March 13th Joint Session
 8:00-8:30 Registration, coffee
 8:30-8:45 Opening ceremony
 8:45-9:45 News hour: Charlotte Hopster – Internal medicine / Sigríður Björnsdóttir – Orthopedics / Pat McCue – Reproduction / Eva Tydén – GI-parasites (recorded talk)
Orthopaedics (Thursday)
10:00-11:30 Marie Rhodin – Gait analysis in lameness exam
11:30-12:00 Elin Hernlund – Lameness exam
12:00-15:00 LUNCH TRIP TO SUMARLIÐABÆR   Elin Hernlund – Sleip live demo
15:30-17:00 Johan Bröjer – Neural or lame ?  /  Elin Hernlund – Lameness exam
17:00-17:30 Coffee in Expo Area
17:30-18:15 Kurt Selberg – Imaging
Internal Medicine (Thursday)
10:00-11:30 Charlotte Hopster – Cardiology for Dummies
11:30-12:00 Johan Bröjer – Poor Performance
15:30-17:00 Nanna Luthersson – Nutrition / Nanna Luthersson – EGUS
17:00-17:30 Coffee in Expo Area
17:30-18:15 Johan Bröjer – EMS/PPID

  > Happy hour in Expo Area


Friday March 14th Orthopaedics
 8:30-10:00 Sigríður Björnsdóttir – What´s new on bone spavin ?  /  Kurt Selberg – the Mystery of the hock I
10:00-10:30 Coffee in Expo Area
10:30-12:00 Kurt Selberg – The Mystery of the Hock II  /  Marie Rhodin – Moving on the Circle
12:00-15:00 LUNCH TRIP TO SUMARLIÐABÆR Elin Hernlund – Sleip live demo
15:00-15:45 Kurt Selberg – Pitfalls of Imaging
15:45-16:15 Coffee in Expo Area
16:15-17:00 Sue Dyson – SI og not SI? That is the question
Friday March 14th Internal Medicine
 8:30-10:00 Patric McCue – Reproduction:Embryo Transfer, Management and Evaluation of Embryos
10:00-10:30 Coffee in Expo Area
10:30-12:00 Patric McCue – Reproduction:The Post Partum Mare
15:00-15:45 Claudia Hartley – Opthalmology for Dummies I
15:45-16:15 Coffee in Expo Area
16:15-17:00 Claudia Hartley – Opthalmology for Dummies II

 > Happy hour in Expo Area and Gala Dinner


Saturday March 15th Joint Session
 9:00-10:30 Sue Dyson – Pain ethogram of the ridden horse
10:30-11:00 Coffee in Expo Area
11:00-12:30 Charlotte Hopster – Head Shaking / Sigríður Björnsdóttir – Managing Icelandics

Exhibition and other sponsor opportunities:

Gold sponsor (reserved) 8000 EUR includes: Large booth (ca 9 sqm), 4 free registrations including Gala Dinner, 15-minute lecture time in conjunction with session of choice, 1/1-page advertisement in the digital proceedings, and logo on other digital media, Sponsorship of two joint sessions (Welcome ceremony and News Hour on Thursday and the Joint Session on Saturday). Session sponsorship includes special mention in introduction, power point slide at beginning of lecture, roll-up advertisements or other visibility of choice inside lecture hall and opportunity to hand out leaflets to delegates. Logo visible at registration desk (roll up ad or digital).

Silver sponsor: 5000 EUR includes: Medium booth (ca 6 sqm), 2 free registrations including Gala Dinner, Sponsorship of session of choice. Session sponsorship includes Special mention and Power Point slide before lectures one day and possibility to hand out leaflets to delagates. ½-page ad in proceedings and logo on other digital media.

Booth fees: Small booth (ca 4 sqm, 1 free registration including Gala Dinner) 2000 EUR. / Medium booth (ca 6 sqm, 2 free registrations including Gala Dinner) 2500 EUR

Other sponsor opportunities:

Bags / Pens / Lanyards / Drinks at Happy Hour (Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in expo area after lectures) / Welcome drink at Gala Dinner Friday evening.

Sponsoring lunch trip, either whole trip or parts (bus, entrance to Secret Lagoon, packed lunch, welcome drink at site …….. Possibility to come up with own ideas for interacting with participants, for instance taking the mike in the bus, handouts, etc.


Please contact us at to book a booth and discuss other opportunities and your accommodation needs, check out the hotel with this 

If  you don´t see an option here that suits your needs but would like to take part in this exciting event, please let us know and we will find a solution. We want to ensure that both sponsors and participants get what they bargained for, and we will keep an open mind!

Looking forward to hearing from you,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee for NEVC 2025, Mia Hellsten DVM

Organizing Committee Members by country:

  • Iceland: Mia Hellsten, Charlotta Oddsdóttir, Helga Gunnarsdóttir
  • Denmark: Peter Busk
  • Norway: Svein Bakke
  • Sweden: Tove Särkinen
  • Finland: Mari Vettenranta